Week 10
Class Activity
## Goal The purpose of this assignment is to help you think through how to make your software more robust by thinking about how to break someone else's software. ## Deliverables Each student must: * Develop a list of ways to attempt to break the software tested * For each `.jar` file that you have time to test, complete [this form](https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=rM5GQNP9yUasgLfEpJurcNU8cwQVwyRGteUttCkD8iJUQU1CVVFOWDVERlJBTjJJUE1aUk41OTZJMS4u) ## Jars * [0.jar](0.jar) * [1.jar](1.jar) * [2.jar](2.jar) * [3.jar](3.jar) * [4.jar](4.jar) * [5.jar](5.jar) * [6.jar](6.jar) * [7.jar](7.jar) * [8.jar](8.jar) * [9.jar](9.jar) * [10.jar](10.jar) * [11.jar](11.jar) * [12.jar](12.jar) * [13.jar](13.jar) * [14.jar](14.jar) * [15.jar](15.jar) * [16.jar](16.jar) * [17.jar](17.jar)

Thursday, 20-Feb-2020 06:37:12 CST