Class Activity

Activity 1

Implement the abstract Calculable class below:

+plus(that: Calculable): Calculable
+minus(that: Calculable): Calculable
+doubleValue(): double
+intValue(): int

Activity 2

Implement a concrete Double class that extends the Calculable class.

Activity 3

Implement a concrete Integer class that extends the Calculable class.

Activity 4

Modify the Complex class (see Putting it All Together section) so that the following is possible:

Calculable c = new Complex(3, 2);

Activity 5

UML Class Diagram

  • Write the class declarations (first line) for all of the classes in the diagram above.
  • List all of the abstract methods shown in the diagram.
  • Implement the constructor for the TextFile class.
  • Implement the constructor for the Folder class.
  • Suppose that the size of a Folder object is defined as the size of all the objects contained in the folder (and subfolders) plus the number of characters representing the name of the folder. Implement the size() method for the Folder class.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17-Dec-2019 07:23:39 CST