This course covers the organization of data and the algorithms that act upon them. The topics of stacks, queues, trees and sets are introduced. Fundamentals of algorithm performance are also introduced, with an emphasis placed on time complexity analysis. Applications to data structure searching and sorting, memory allocation and file management are included. Laboratory activities include the application of data structures from standard libraries. (prereq: SE-1020) (2-2-3) OutcomesOn successful completion of this course, the student will:
The above course description and goals were taken from the official course description. General Course PoliciesPlease review the general course policies webpage. TextbookData Structures and the Java Collections Framework 2nd Ed., by William Collins, McGraw-Hill, 2005. ISBN: 0-07-302265-9 QuizzesQuizzes will be given nearly every at the beginning of lab. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. No make-up quizzes will be given. LaboratoryAll Lab assignments are worth 100 points per week (i.e., a two week lab assignment is worth 200 points). My Schedule[an error occurred while processing this directive]Grading