CE2800 -- Lab 1: Basic Assembly Programming and Debugging using AVR Studio and ATmon


Details for this assignment can be found here.

Lab deliverables (due at the beginning of the lab week 3)

Due at the Beginning of the Lab Session

Each student must be prepared to demonstrate the single-stepping program and the output windows to their instructor at the beginning of lab.


  • Take a look at how we wrote to PORTB in Lab 0. There are two steps: 1) configure PORTB for output by writing all 1's to the DDRB (data direction register of PORTB), and 2) writing the appropriate value to PORTB. Writing to both DDRB and PORTB is done with the OUT statements.
  • In order to add one to the counter you'll need to use the ADD instruction.
  • You may find the AVR Instruction Set helpful.

Due at the End of the Lab Session

Each student must demonstrate the program working on their microcontroller by the end of lab.

Due at 11pm Tuesday of Week 3

Each student must submit the lab1.lst file for the assignment. At the beginning of the file, each student should answer the questions raised on the assignment page. Answers must be numbered to match the question numbers.

In addition, each student must indicate how much time was spent on this assignment in the FAST system. The log should indicate the amount of time spent on this assignment (in minutes). All time spent on this assignment should be entered into the week 2 column.

  • © 2001-2015 Dr. Christopher C. Taylor •
  • Office: L-343 •
  • Phone: 277-7339 •
  • npǝ˙ǝosɯ@ɹolʎɐʇ