CS1010 -- Lab 0: Java Setup

Winter 2005-2006

The purpose of this assignment (worth 0 points) is to install the Java development environment that we will be using this year.


All the software will be distributed on CD in lab.

  1. Select and operating system (windows or linux)
    1. Install Java -- Double-click on the provided self-installing executable.
    2. After install, add the "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin" directory to your path.
      Use Settings --> Control Panel --> System --> Advanced --> Environmental Variables --> Path --> Edit to do this.
    3. Install Eclipse -- Extract large .zip file into C:\Program Files\Eclipse (you'll need to create this directory
    4. Make a short-cut to C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse.exe to make it easier to run it.
  2. Install documentation -- Extract large .zip file whereever you want

This assignment is worth 0 points.

Last Updated: Thursday, 01-Jan-2015 13:29:17 CST