CS285 -- Lab 2: Testing and Verification

Winter 2004

In this lab, you verify the implementation of the vector class you developed in lab 1.


Your group should do the following:

Throughout the project you should log all errors found using the log table given in the XML template file.

Lab report (due 11:00pm, the day prior to week 4 lab)

Here is a template file to use as a starting point for this report.

You should submit one report for the group. When submitting chose one MSOE login name to use (include both names in the report). Your report should include:

As with any report you submit, correct spelling and grammar are required. In addition, your report should be submitted electronically following the Electronic submission guidelines. (You may wish to consult the XML help video and/or sample report before submitting your report.) Be sure to keep copies of all your files, in case something gets lost. It may be wise to keep a diskette backup as well.

Your grade on this assignment will be based on the following weightings: 10% code review, 20% test plan, 15% testing code, 10% fixed code, 10% activity/defect logs, 5% team functioning, and 30% narrative report. If you have any questions, consult your instructor.


This laboratory assignment was developed by Dr. Chris Taylor.

Last Updated: Friday, 02-Jan-2015 09:08:18 CST