CS1010 -- Lab 0: Java Setup
Winter 2005-2006
The purpose of this assignment (worth 0 points) is to install the Java
development environment that we will be using this year.
All the software will be distributed on CD in lab.
- Select and operating system (windows or linux)
- Install Java -- Double-click on the provided self-installing
- After install, add the "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin" directory to your path.
Use Settings --> Control Panel --> System --> Advanced --> Environmental Variables --> Path --> Edit to do this.
- Install Eclipse -- Extract large .zip file into
C:\Program Files\Eclipse (you'll need to
create this directory
- Make a short-cut to C:\Program Files\Eclipse\Eclipse.exe to make it easier to run it.
- Install documentation -- Extract large .zip file whereever you want
This assignment is worth 0 points.