There is a more recent offering of this course. This is an archive of the
course which was offered in Winter 2018-2019.
Lab Activity
Week 10 in lab activity
You make it, they break it
They make it, you break it
## Activity
* Download four consecutive `.jar` files beginning with the one based on the algorithm described below:
String lastName; // Use your last name
String firstName; // Use your first name
int startingValue = (lastName.charAt(0)-'A' + firstName.charAt(0)-'A')%14+1;
* Describe at least five strategies that you plan to use to test the programs
* Describe the results of applying each strategy to the four programs
* Describe any other things you may have notices while testing
* Send your report to me in an email (text, Word, pdf is fine)
## Submissions
* [1.jar](1.jar)
* [2.jar](2.jar)
* [3.jar](3.jar)
* [4.jar](4.jar)
* [5.jar](5.jar)
* [6.jar](6.jar)
* [7.jar](7.jar)
* [8.jar](8.jar)
* [9.jar](9.jar)
* [10.jar](10.jar)
* [11.jar](11.jar)
* [12.jar](12.jar)
* [13.jar](13.jar)
* [14.jar](14.jar)