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CS-381 - Engineering Systems Analysis with Numerical Methods Fall Quarter 1999 Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department S-331, 277-7339 This course provides numerical methods for the solution of engineering problems. Particular attention is devoted to algorithm development and error analysis. Topics presented are roots of simultaneous linear equations, matrix inversion, interpolation, spline, curve fitting, differentiation and numerical integration, ordinary and partial differential equations, and introduction to Monte Carlo methods. Data visualization and the design and analysis of parallel algorithms will also be discussed. Applications to system stability criteria are also developed in this course. The topics are limited to typical problems that arise in science, engineering and technology, and computer usage. (Prereq: CS-183, Coreq MA-343, and junior standing) (3-2-4) TextbookApplied Numerical Analysis, 6th Ed., by Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatley, Addison-Wesley, 1999. ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
My Schedule
LaboratoryEach student must submit an individually written report for each laboratory assignment. Laboratory reports should include software code written as part of the lab project and should conform to the specified documentation standards. There is a 10% per business day late penalty for lab reports submitted after the scheduled due date. No reports will be accepted after 4:30pm, November 12, 1999. Final ProjectThere will be a final project in this course. The guidelines for the final project report are the same as the lab report guidelines given above. ExamsThere will be two hour exams and a comprehensive final in this course. It is your responsibility to be present for all exams. Please contact me in advance if you have a valid conflict with a scheduled exam. Grading
AttendanceAttendance in lab is mandatory. Students who miss lab or leave early will only be eligible for 50% of the possible points for that lab assignment. Attendance in class and lab is expected. If you decide to drop out of the course, it is your responsibility to notify the registrar. I will not drop you for missing class. If you stop coming to class without notifying the registrar that you are dropping the course, it is likely that you will receive an "F" grade. ProfessionalismStudents are expected to act in a professional manner in dealing with all matters pertaining to this course. In particular, deceptive practices of any sort are unacceptable (e.g., submitting source code that does not run correctly without clearly identifying the problems with it). Note that copying is not necessarily unprofessional; engineers copy good ideas from many sources all the time (subject to ethical and legal constraints). If you do copy something, you must give explicit credit to the source (e.g., article, book, web URL); also, be sure you understand anything that you copy, as I may choose to quiz you orally over that material. Lab projects are to be your own work. This does not mean that you cannot discuss ideas and approaches with other students or faculty, but the final product must be yours alone. At times it may be difficult to know where to draw the line between beneficial cooperation and parasitic freeloading. For this course, it is not legitimate to collaborate to the extent of sharing source code for all or part of a particular lab project. In particular, you should never be in possession of a copy (in any form) of all or part of another student's source code. (This includes students from other sections and students who previously took this course.) If you have any question as to what types of cooperation are acceptable, please talk to me. AnnouncementsYou are responsible for assignments and announcements made in class or lab. In addition, you should periodically check your email account and the Web pages for this course. Special NeedsIf you have special educational needs, it is your responsibility to meet with me in my office in the first three weeks of the quarter to discuss them. Feedback WantedI am interested in your feedback on how I can improve this course. Please feel free to stop by my office, send me email, or drop an anonymous note in my departmental mailbox with suggestions on how I can make this a better class for you. Don't wait until evaluation time because I won't see those comments until the quarter is over. Electronic Submission ProcedureAll laboratory reports for this course must be submitted electronically. You are responsible for ensuring that each report is emailed to me. In particular, it is your responsibility to make sure you type in the correct email address, etc... If you do not receive a message confirming that I received your submission, you should assume that I didn't receive it. All reports will be graded and returned to you by email. The graded reports will be in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF).
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