- Data communication is a general technique for two endpoints to communicate with each other.
- Data is sent from one endpoint and received by the other endpoint and vice versa.
- Serial communication describes the scenario where the data bits are transmitted sequentially (one bit at a time).
- Parallel communication describes the scenario where multiple bits are transmitted simultaneously.
There are many forms of serial communication. For example:
- USB (universal serial bus)
- Firewire
- Bluetooth
- IR
- Ethernet
- WiFi
- RS-232 (Recommended Standard 232) (Although newer versions exist, revision C was released in 1969)
- RS-232 voltages:
- A voltage between 3 and 15V is deemed to be logic 0.
- A voltage between -3 and -15V is deemed to be logic 1.
- The actual voltage depends on the power supply (commonly +-5 or +-12V)
- The big voltage swing (required by the RS-232 standard) makes it less desirable for low-power hardware. As a result, modern laptops and handheld devices use low-power alternatives like USB or firewire.
Serial Communications on the ATmega32
The ATmega32 provides the following serial communication options:
- The Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous serial Receiver and Transmitter (USART) subsystem (on PortD).
- The synchronous peripheral interface (SPI) (on PortB)
- A two-wire interface (TWI) (on PortC).
The USART is a standardized device that can:
- Transmit a binary number as a square wave to a receiver.
- Receive a square wave and convert the information into a binary number.
- Transmit and receive at the same time (full duplex).
- Use interrupts to signal that a transmit and/or receive is complete.
Synchronous Mode
- In synchronous mode, the two endpoints must keep their clock signals synchronized.
- A master clock signal is transmitted to the receiver to coordinate data bit sampling through time.
- Even when no data is being sent, the two devices continuously exchange "sync" characters.
Asynchronous Mode
- In asynchronous mode, the two endpoints each manage their own clock.
- Nothing is transmitted when there is nothing to send (no master clock is transmitted).
- A "handshake" must be established whenever data needs to be transmitted.
- The USART has built-in hardware to synchronize to an incoming signal.
We'll just look at the asynchronous mode.
USART on ATmega32
We will focus on the USART subsystem.
- Hardwired to PORTD
- RXD pin is used to receive serial data (PD0)
- TXD pin is used to transmit serial data (PD1)
- The USART overrides functionality for PD0 and PD1 when enabled
- The ATmega32 ports are driven by Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
- A voltage between 0 and 2V is deemed to be logic 0.
- A voltage between 3 and 5V is deemed to be logic 1.
- The SunRom board includes an RS-232 converter chip
- The RS-232 IC converts from the TTL logic levels to those required by the RS-232 standard.
Asynchronous transmission of data
Serial transmission of one data frame:
- St — start bit, always low, 1 bit required
- (n) — data bits (0 - 8), 5 to 9 bits required
- 0 is the least significant bit
- 1 is the next least significant bit, etc...
- P — Parity bit, (configurable for even or odd parity) optional
- Sp1/Sp2 — stop bits, always high, second stop bit is optional
- IDLE — Indicates no transfers on RxD or TxD (always high)
Parity Bit
- The parity bit is an error checking mechanism used to detect data corruption.
- The parity bit is calculated by applying an exclusive-or operation to all of the data bits.
- Using even parity, the parity bit is calculated as Peven = dn-1 XOR ... XOR d2 XOR d1 XOR d0 XOR 0.
- Using odd parity, the parity bit is calculated as Peven = dn-1 XOR ... XOR d2 XOR d1 XOR d0 XOR 1.
- The transmitter calculates the correct value for the parity bit prior to sending the data frame and includes it in the data frame.
- The receiver calculates the correct value for the parity bit based on the data bits and compares it to the value of the parity bit sent.
- If the calculated and received parity bit values differ, an error is indicated.
- The parity bit is a reliable indicator of an error as long as no more than one bit in the data frame is corrupted.
- The parity bit cannot be used to correct the error in the data frame, it only detects an error.
Baud Rate
- The speed of serial transmission is typically described in bits-per-second.
- This is called the baud rate.
- Note that the overhead (start bit, stop bit(s), parity bit) are counted in the bits per second, so 2400 baud is not the same as 300 characters per second.
- The USART can be configured to operate between 2400 and 1M
Register Overview
- UCSRA: USART Control and Status Register A
- Mainly a status register indicating when events have completed
- Indicates when subsystem has completed tasks
- Useful when polling
- RXC: USART Receive Complete
- TXC: USART Transmit Complete
- UDRE: USART Data Register Empty
- FE: Frame Error — first stop bit was zero (should always be one)
- DOR: Data OverRun — receiving another character before the buffered character is read
- PE: Parity Error
- U2X: Double the USART Transmission Speed
- MPCM: Multi-Processor Communication Mode — we won't use
- UCSRB: USART Control and Status Register B
- Mainly a control register
- Used to enable interrupts
- RXCIE: RX Complete Interrupt Enable
- TXCIE: TX Complete Interrupt Enable
- UDRIE: USART Data Register Empty Interrupt Enable
- RXEN: Receive Enable
- TXEN: Transmitter Enable
- UCSZ2: Character size (used in conjunction with UCSZ1:0 in UCSRC
- RXB8: Receive Data Bit 8 (9th data bit)
- TXB8: Transmit Data Bit 8 (9th data bit)
- UCSRC: USART Control and Status Register C
- Mainly a control register
- Configures the communication model:
- Synchronous/Asynchronous
- Parity bit control (odd/even/none)
- Data size (along with one bit from UCSRB)
- URSEL: Register Select (1 for UCSRC, 0 for UBRRH)
- UMSEL: USART Mode Select (0 for Asynchronous, 1 for Synchronous)
- UPM1:0 Parity mode
- 00: None
- 10: Even Parity
- 11: Odd Parity
- USBS: Stop Bit Select (0 for 1-bit, 1 for 2-bit)
- UCSZ1:0: Character Size (UCSZ2:0 = 011 for 8 bit)
- UCPOL: Clock Polarity
- Used in synchronous mode only (use 0 when in asynchronous mode)
- 0 — transmit on rising XCK edge, receive on failing XCK edge
- 1 — transmit on failing XCK edge, receive on rising XCK edge
- UDR: USART I/O Data Register
- The Transmit Data Buffer Register and Receive Data Buffer Register share this register
- Writing to UDR sends data to the Transmit Data Buffer Register (TXB), when empty, to be sent out on TXD and initiates a transmission (data written to UDR and then copied to TXD)
- If TXB still contains data that is being transmitted, the data written to the UDR stays there until the TXB is available
- Reading from UDR returns the contents of the Receive Data Buffer Register (RXB) received on RXD (contents of RXB is copied to UDR and then returned)
- When receiving, the bits are accumulated in the RXB buffer
- Once the tranmission is complete (the stop bit has been received), the contents of RXB are written to UDR
- Another transmission can begin (filling bits into RXB)
- UBRRH and UBRRL: USART Baud Rate Registers
- UBRRH shares the same memory address as UCSRC
- MSB (URSEL) in UBRRH/UCSRC determines which register is of interest
- URSEL must be zero when writing to UBRRH
- URSEL is zero when reading from UBRRH
- USART Baud Rate is set via the following equation: \( UBRR = {f_{osc}}/{16*BAUD} - 1 \)
- \( f_{osc} \) is the system clock frequency
- \( BAUD \) is the desired baud rate
- Therefore, for 9,600 baud, we would need UBRR = 103 for a 16MHz system clock
- Write 0 to upper nibble of UBRRH
- Lower nibble of UBRRH contains UBRR[11:8]
- UBRRL contains UBRR[7:0]
- UBRRH shares the same memory address as UCSRC
USART Operation
- Initialize the control registers for the desired baud rate and frame format (stop bit(s), parity, data size)
- Enable Transmit (TXEN) and Receive (RXEN) via UCSRB
- Disable all USART interrupts via UCSRB to avoid conflicts with ATmon
Polled mode can be used to monitor:
- The receive complete, RXC, status flag to determine if new data has arrived
- Must keep polling RXC to avoid dropping received characters
- The UDR empty, UDRE, status flag to determine if a transmission is complete
- Note: You must ensure that UDRE is set before writing to UDR
- Keep in mind that 9600 baud is a lot slower than the 16MHz clock