## Step 1
Create the `Rectangle` class and implement all of the required method stubs.
(Just declare the methods but leave the contents blank or returning a default value.)
## Step 2
Implement a class to test the `Rectangle` class.
## Step 3
Implement the accessors and mutators. The mutators should do nothing if an invalid value is passed as a dimension. The mutators return a boolean value indicating if the value was changed.
## Step 4
Update the class to test the additional functionality in the `Rectangle` class.
## Step 5
Implement the constructors:
* The two-arg constructor creates a rectangle with the specified dimensions unless either value is non-positive. In that case, a unit square should be created.
* The constructor that accepts a `String` should extract the width and height from a String in the following format: "w x h"
* The no-arg constructor should create a rectangle with randomized dimensions in the range: [0.1, 10) x (0, 5]
## Step 6
Update the class to test the additional functionality in the `Rectangle` class.
## Step 7
Implement `getArea()` and `getPerimeter()`.
## Step 8
Update the class to test the additional functionality in the `Rectangle` class.
## Step 9
Update the `Rectangle` class to display nicely when an instance is passed to `System.out.println()`.
## Step 10
Update the `Rectangle` class so that two rectangles are considered equal if the area of each rectangle is within 0.0001 of each other.