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ParkingLot |
+CLOSED_THRESHOLD: double {readOnly} = 80.0 -name: String |
+ParkingLot(lotName: String, capacity: int) +ParkingLot(capacity: int) +closedMinutes(): int +getName(): String +isClosed(): boolean +markVehicleEntry(time: int): void +markVehicleExit(time: int): void +toString(): String +vehiclesInLot(): int |
District |
-lots: ParkingLot[] +MAX_LOTS: int {readOnly} =20 -numLots: int |
+District() +addLot(name: String, capacity: int): int +getLot(index: int): ParkingLot +isClosed(): boolean +markVehicleEntry(lotNumber: int, time: int): void +markVehicleExit(lotNumber: int, time: int): void +closedMinutes(): int +toString(): String +vehiclesParkedInDistrict(): int |

Status for blacktop parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) Tiny District status: Status for red parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) Status for green parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) Status for blue parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) District status: Status for red parking lot: 1 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for green parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) Status for blue parking lot: 2 vehicles (CLOSED) Final TinyDistrict status: Status for red parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) Status for green parking lot: 1 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for blue parking lot: 2 vehicles (CLOSED) Lots were closed for 3 min. in tiny district. Testing ParkingLot Status for test parking lot: 3 vehicles (75%) Status for test parking lot: 4 vehicles (CLOSED) Final status: Status for test parking lot: 0 vehicles (0%) Airport at time 7: District status: Status for brown parking lot: 7 vehicles (70%) Status for green parking lot: 14 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for black parking lot: 7 vehicles (58.3%) Airport at time 8: District status: Status for brown parking lot: 8 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for green parking lot: 14 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for black parking lot: 7 vehicles (58.3%) Airport at time 10: District status: Status for brown parking lot: 8 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for green parking lot: 14 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for black parking lot: 10 vehicles (CLOSED) Testing heavier usage. At end of day, all lots closed 42 min. Final District status: Status for pink parking lot: 17 vehicles (68%) Status for blue parking lot: 28 vehicles (CLOSED) Status for gray parking lot: 2 vehicles (20%) All tests finished.### Detailed Start A detailed list of steps to set up your project for Lab 9 for those who would like more explicit instructions. 1. Make sure your solution is working for Lab 8, especially the `ParkingLot` class. 2. Open Windows File Explorer (see [here]( if you're not sure how) and navigate to the lab8 folder containing your previous solution. 3. Right click on the lab8 folder and select Copy. 4. Right click on the open space below the folder and select Paste. This will create a fresh copy of the project as "lab8 - Copy". 5. Right click on "lab8 - Copy", select Rename, and enter **lab9**. 6. In Windows File Explorer, browse to **lab9\src\parking**. 7. Download [``]( and replace the old version of `ParkingDriver` by the new one. 8. Start IntelliJ and open the lab9 project. 9. In IntelliJ, confirm that the new `ParkingDriver` has syntax errors. If it doesn't, that means you're still using the old version - you'll need to fix that before going on. Ask for help if you need it! When you are done, go back to the [top](#changes) to see what to change. ## Acknowledgement This laboratory assignment was developed by [Dr. Rob Hasker]( and the CS1011 instructors.
See your professor's instructions for details on submission guidelines and due dates.