There is a more recent offering of this course. This is an archive of the
course which was offered in Spring 2019.
CS2852: Data Structures
Optional Homework Problems to Reinforce Your Understanding
## Week 2
### Complete and email to me by 8am Monday of week 2
Start with this implementation of the [``]( containing code developed in class. Also note, that implementations of the `indexOf()` and `toArray()` methods were added after class. You are free to implement all of the following, but focus first on the ones based on which side of the class you sat.
1. __Both sides of class__ Implement the `ArrayList.add(int index, E element)` method.
1. __Right side of class__ Implement the `ArrayList.contains(Object target)` method.
1. __Right side of class__ Implement the `ArrayList.get(int index)` method.
1. __Right side of class__ Implement the `ArrayList.set(int index)` method.
1. __Left side of class__ Implement the `ArrayList.remove(int index)` method.
1. __Left side of class__ Implement the `ArrayList.remove(Object target)` method.
### Complete by 8am Tuesday of week 2 - be prepared to ask questions in class
1. Watch [Introduction to ArrayLists video](lectures/2852arrayListIntro.mp4) and prepare questions and feedback for your instructor
1. Watch [Introduction to LinkedLists video](lectures/2852linkedListIntro.mp4) and prepare questions and feedback for your instructor
1. Study [Collection and List interfaces]( and prepare questions and feedback for your instructor
1. Study [Array-Based Lists, ArrayList review]( and prepare questions and feedback for your instructor
1. Study [Generics in Java]( and prepare questions and feedback for your instructor
## Week 3
### Complete by 8am Monday of week 3 - be prepared to ask questions in class
1. Give the Big-O time complexity for the following algorithm. Justify your answer.
public static boolean areUnique(List strings) {
boolean areUnique = true;
for(int i=0; areUnique && i strings) {
boolean areUnique = true;
for(int i=0; areUnique && i list, E target)` which returns true if the `list` contains `target`. You may assume that the list is sorted.
1. [changeXY](
1. [noX](
1. [pairStar](
1. [array220](
1. [countPairs](
1. [nestParen](
1. [strCopies](
1. [groupSum]( (optional)
1. [groupSum6]( (optional)
## Week 7
### Complete before Monday of week 7 - be prepared to ask questions in class
1. Implement the `size()` method (along with a recursive method) for the `BinarySearchTree` class developed in lecture.
1. Implement the `contains()` method (along with a recursive method) for the `BinarySearchTree` class developed in lecture.
1. Implement the `toString()` method (along with a recursive method) for the `BinarySearchTree` class developed in lecture that returns a string containing all of the elements in sorted order.
1. Implement a recursive method, `max()` that returns
the largest value of the tree.
1. Implement a recursive method, `min()` that returns
the smallest value of the tree.
### Complete before Wednesday of week 7 - be prepared to ask questions in class
1. Implement a recursive method, `numberOfLeaves()` that returns
the number of leaf nodes in the tree.
1. Just for fun: Implement a recursive method, `getIthLargest()`
that returns the ith largest value of the tree. [This one is
a bit more challenging. You would not be expected implement this on
a quiz or exam.]
## Week 8
All of these questions are related to the [`HashTable`]( class.
1. Add a method, `numberOfCollisions()`, that returns the total number of
collisions in the hash table.
1. Add a method, `largestBucketSize()`, that returns the size of the largest
1. Add a method, `numberOfEmptyBuckets()`, that does what it says.
1. Add a method, `setLoadFactor()`, that will change the load factor threshold
for the hash table and ensure that the current hash table does not exceed
the threshold.
## Week 9
1. Modify the inner `Node` class from the `BinarySearchTree` class
to have one addtional attribute: `Node parent`,
that refers to the parent of the node.
1. Implement a recursive `height(Node subroot)` method that
will return the height of the subtree (zero if passed `null`)
1. Implement, `balanceFactor(Node subroot)`, that returns
the difference between the height of the left subtree and the
height of the right subtree.
1. Implement `rightRotate(Node subroot)`, which performs
a right rotation around `subroot` and returns a reference
to the node that takes the place of `subroot` in the tree.
1. Assume `leftRotate()` has also been implemented. Modify the
`add()` implementation such that the BST does not violate
the rules associated with an AVL tree
1. Give an example of when a deep copy is required. Explain what would go
wrong if a shallow copy is performed instead.