Lab 9
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## Overview In this assignment you will revisit [Lab 4](Lab4). You will identify two new superior strategies and implement each strategy. ## Assignment You must work with a partner in lab to brainstorm alternative strategies for the `AutoCompleter` implementation. Ultimately, you must select at least two strategies that you believe will result in better performance for the `allThatBeginWith()` method. At least one of these two strategies must not be based on the `ArrayList` or `LinkedList`. ### Strategy Report You must create a document that describes the two strategies that you plan to implement. The report must include: * Report title * Date submitted * Your name * Name of the classmate you worked with in lab to develop the strategies * For each strategy: - A clear, concise description of the strategy that identifies any pre-built data structures that you plan to use. - An explanation of what makes it superior to the strategies used in lab 4 as well as your assessment of how much of an improvement you expect to see. - A description of any shortcomings/trade-offs associated with the strategy (e.g., initialization is slower, but look-ups are faster). ### Implementation In addition, you must implement the two strategies you selected. These strategies should be added as additional options in your existing program from lab 4. It must be clear to the user which strategy they are selecting through good GUI design. A help menu may be useful to provide a description of the different strategies. ## Benchmarking You must provide benchmarking results for all six strategies when the user loads the [words.txt](/taylor/files/words.txt) file and types <kbd>f</kbd> in the search box. Also, you must provide benchmarking results for your two new strategies and the two `ArrayList` strategies from lab 4 when the user loads the [top-1m.csv]( file (you'll need to unzip it) and types <kbd>v</kbd> in the search box. ## Lab Deliverables > See your professor's instructions for details on submission guidelines and due dates. > * Dr. Taylor's students: See below > * All other students should refer to Blackboard > >If you have any questions, consult your instructor. ## Acknowledgements This assignment was written by CS2852 instructors.

Monday, 29-Apr-2019 07:26:17 CDT