There is a more recent offering of this course. This is an archive of the course which was offered in Winter 2015-2016.

Submission Form for Dr. Taylor - Lab 8 Final Submission

Final Submission [50 points] (due at 11pm Thursday of week 10)

Each student must submit an executable .jar file containing all source code (.java files). The program must meet all of the week 8 and 9 requirements and include the following additional enhancements:

  • Additional functionality that makes use of an event listener that is not an action listener.
  • At least one other enhancement (does not need to be significant).
  • An "About" box (could be activated by a button or menu item) that includes the author's name and a description of all enhancements beyond those required in week 8 and 9 (and this enhancement).

You should submit your solution only once, so be sure you are happy with your solution before you submit it.