LCD Interface

A Dr. Taylor Tutorial

Based on HD44780 LCD controller. (See Hitachi LCD Documentation)

LCD Commands

Table 6 from the HD44780 datasheet lists the set of available instructions:

A number of instructions have parameters specified by one to three letters.

Writing Commands to the LCD

Generic Command Write Process in 4-bit Mode

  1. Output upper nibble of command to lcdPORT
  2. Set E
  3. Delay for four cycles
  4. Clear E
  5. Delay for 2ms
  6. Output lower nibble of command to lcdPORT
  7. Set E
  8. Delay for four cycles
  9. Clear E
  10. Delay for 2ms
  11. Set RS
  12. Set R/W
  13. Delay for 2ms

We can write 4 bits to the LCD as follows:

; lcd_cmd_write_nibble PRELIMINARY VERSION
; Purpose: write 4-bits of a command to the LCD display
; Parameters:
;   r24 -- upper nibble contains the 4 bits to be written to the LCD display
; Assumes .equ directive has set lcdPORT to the appropriate I/O port
; Dependencies: delay2ms (found in delay.asm)... you'll need to write this.
      push    r24              ; store register values

      andi    r24, 0xF0        ; strip off lower 4 bits

      out     lcdPORT, r24     ; write nibble to LCD display
      sbi     lcdPORT, 0       ; set E (enable LCD)

      nop                      ; delay 4 cycles

      cbi     lcdPORT, 0       ; clear E (latch cmd/data being written to LCD display)
      rcall   delay2ms         ; found in delay.asm

      pop     r24              ; restore register values
; end lcd_cmd_write_nibble
; lcd_cmd_write1 PRELIMINARY VERSION
; Purpose: Sends command to the LCD display
; Parameter:
;   r24 -- cmd/data to be written to the LCD display
; Assumes .equ directive has set lcdPORT to the appropriate I/O port
; Dependencies: lcd_write_nibble1
      push    r24              ; store register value

      rcall   lcd_cmd_write_nibble; write upper nibble to lcd
      swap    r24              ; swap upper and lower nibbles
      rcall   lcd_cmd_write_nibble; write what was originally the lower nibble to lcd
      sbi     lcdPORT, 2       ; set RS (data mode)
      sbi     lcdPORT, 1       ; set R/W (read mode)

      pop     r24              ; restore register value
; end lcd_cmd_write1

Initializing LCD to 4-bit Mode

Figure 24 from the HD44780 datasheet describes the procedure for initializing the LCD to use the 4-bit interface:

We can approximate the datasheet instructions by calling lcd_cmd_write1 with the following:

  1. 0x33 — Function set to 8-bit mode.
  2. insert additional 2ms delay after first command write.
  3. 0x32 — Function set to 8-bit mode again.
  4. 0x28 — Set function to 4-bit mode, indicate LCD has two lines.
  5. 0x0F — Turn display on, cursor on and blink cursor.
  6. 0x01 — Clear display.
  7. 0x06 — Sets Entry Mode to auto-increment cursor and disable shift mode.
  8. 0x02 — send the cursor to the home position.

Writing Data to the LCD

; CE-2800 lcdlib.asm
; Purpose: This file contains a collection of utility subroutines
;          used for controlling the LCD display.
; Author: t a y l o, 01-10-2008
; Usage: It is intended that this file be included at the end of
;        the .asm file that makes use of the subroutines found in
;        this file.
;        In addition to including lcdlib.asm, two .equ directives
;        must be added to specify the PORT to which the LCD is
;        connected.  For example, if the LCD panel is connected
;        to PORTB, the following lines should be included:
;        .equ lcdPORT = PORTB
;        .equ lcdDDR = DDRB
;        .include "lcdlib.asm"
; Subroutines Provided:
;   lcd_port_config -- Initializes the ATmega32 port used by the LCD display
;   lcd_init -- Initializes the LCD display
;   lcd_cmd_write -- Sends a command to the LCD display
;       Parameter: r24 -- data to be written to the LCD display
;   lcd_data_write -- Sends a byte of data to the LCD display
;       Parameter: r24 -- data to be written to the LCD display
;   lcd_clear -- Clear the LCD display and home cursor
;   lcd_string_write -- Display a message on the LCD screen
;       Parameter: Z -- byte address of beginning of message
; Dependencies: Requires "delay.asm"

; lcd_port_config
; Purpose: Initializes the ATmega32 port used by the LCD display
    ; Left as an exercise for the diligent student
; end lcd_port_config

; lcd_init
; Purpose: Initialize the LCD display
; Dependencies: lcd_cmd_write
    ; Left as an exercise for the diligent student
; end lcd_init

; lcd_cmd_write
; Purpose: Sends a command to the LCD display
; Parameter:
;   r24 -- command to be written to the LCD display
; Dependencies: lcd_write
; Author: t a y l o, 01-10-2008
      push    r22              ; store register value
      clr     r22              ; clear r22 to tell lcd_write to use command mode
      rcall   lcd_write
      pop     r22              ; restore register value
; end lcd_cmd_write

; lcd_data_write
; Purpose: Sends a byte of data to the LCD display
; Parameter:
;   r24 -- data to be written to the LCD display
; Dependencies: lcd_write
; Author: t a y l o, 01-10-2008
      push    r22              ; store register value
      ser     r22              ; sets r22 to tell lcd_write to use data mode
      rcall   lcd_write
      pop     r22              ; restore register value
; end lcd_data_write

; lcd_write
; Purpose: Sends cmd/data to the LCD display
; Parameter:
;   r24 -- cmd/data to be written to the LCD display
;   r22 -- 0b-------0 for command mode, 0b-------1 for data mode (- means don't care)
; Dependencies: lcd_write_nibble
; Author: t a y l o, 01-10-2008
; Note: Not documented at top of file since this is a helper subroutinue
      push    r24              ; store register value

      rcall   lcd_write_nibble ; write upper nibble to lcd
      swap    r24              ; swap upper and lower nibbles
      rcall   lcd_write_nibble ; write what was originally the lower nibble to lcd
      sbi     lcdPORT, 2       ; set RS (data mode)
      sbi     lcdPORT, 1       ; set R/W (read mode)

      pop     r24              ; restore register value
; end lcd_write

; lcd_write_nibble
; Purpose: write 4-bits to the LCD display (either command or data)
; Parameters:
;   r24 -- upper nibble contains the 4 bits to be written to the LCD display
;   r22 -- 0b-------0 for command mode, 0b-------1 for data mode (- means don't care)
; Dependencies: delay2ms (found in delay.asm)
; Author: t a y l o, 01-10-2008
; Note: Not documented at top of file since this is a helper subroutinue
      ; store register values
      push    r24
      push    r22

      andi    r24, 0xF0        ; strip off lower 4 bits

      ; Set RS=1 if in data mode, otherwise leave RS=0
      sbrc    r22, 0           ; skip next line if in CMD mode (r22=0b-------0)
      ori     r24, 0x04        ; set RS (in data mode)

      out     lcdPORT, r24     ; write nibble to LCD display
      sbi     lcdPORT, 0       ; set E (enable LCD)

      nop                      ; delay 4 cycles

      cbi     lcdPORT, 0       ; clear E (latch cmd/data being written to LCD display)
      rcall   delay2ms

      ; restore register values
      pop     r22
      pop     r24
; end lcd_write_nibble

; lcd_clear
; Purpose: Clear the LCD display and home cursor
; Dependencies: lcd_cmd_write
    ; Left as an exercise for the diligent student
; end lcd_clear

; lcd_string_write
; Purpose: Display a message on the LCD screen
; Parameter: 
;   Z -- byte address of beginning of message
; Dependencies: lcd_data_write
    ; Left as an exercise for the diligent student
; end lcd_string_write

.include "delay.asm"

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