Timer/Counter Subsystem
- Timer/Counter0 — 8-bit timer.
- Timer/Counter1 — 16-bit timer.
- Timer/Counter2 — 8-bit timer.
- Timer/Counter is useful for:
- Delay loops.
- Timed interrupts.
- Signal with variable on time, a.k.a., pulse width modulation.
This will detail Timer/Counter0, but the others are similar.
- We have an 8-bit timer/counter register (TCNT0).
- We can write to and read from the register.
- It can be "clocked" by:
- Internal clock (that can be prescaled, i.e., slowed by some multiple).
- External clock on T0 pin (mapped to PORTB0).
- Definitions:
- The counter reaches BOTTOM when value = 0.
- The counter reaches MAX when value = 255.
- The counter reaches TOP when it reaches its highest value:
- MAX or
- The value stored in the Output Compare Register (OCR0).
- Which value is considered the TOP depends on the mode of operation.
- General operation:
- Each time the clock cycles, TCNT0 is incremented.
- When TCNT0 overflows, the Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag (TOV0 in TIFR register) is set.
- If configured appropriately, this can cause an interrupt.
- When TCNT0 = OCR0 the Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag (OCF0 in TIFR register) is set.
- If configured appropriately, this can cause either or both of the following:
- An interrupt.
- Pin action on OC0 pin (connected to PORTB3).
- If configured appropriately, this can cause either or both of the following:
Relevant I/O Registers
- TCNT0 — Timer/CouNTer 0 (8-bits).
- OCR0 — Output Compare Register (8-bits).
- Read and write accessible.
- The value in OCR0 is compared with the value in TCNT0.
- When OCR0 and TCNT0 are equal, we can trigger other actions, e.g.,
- OC0 (connected to Pin 3 on PORTB) can be toggled (depends on COM01:0 settings in TCCR0).
- Output Compare Flag 0 (OCF0 from TFIR) is set.
- If Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable (TOIE0 from TIMSK) is set, an interrupt occurs when OCF0 goes high.
- TIMSK — TImer MasK Register.
- TIFR — TImer Flag Register.
- OCF0 — Output Compare Flag 0.
- Set when a compare match between TCNT0 and OCR0 occurs.
- If OCIE0 is set, then an interrupt occurs when OCF0 is set.
- Can be cleared two ways:
- Manually by SBI TIFR, OCF0 (yes SBI)
- Automatically cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector.
- TOV0 — Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag.
- Set when TCNT0 overflows (goes from 0xff to 0x00).
- If TOIE0 is set, then an interrupt occurs when TOV0 is set.
- Can be cleared two ways:
- Manually by SBI TIFR, TOV0 (yes SBI)
- Automatically cleared by hardware when executing the corresponding interrupt handling vector.
- OCF0 — Output Compare Flag 0.
- TCCR0 — Timer/Counter Control Register. (See ATmega32 Datasheet pp. 78-80 for details)
- FOC0 — Force Ouput Compare, we'll just leave this cleared.
- WGM01:0 — Waveform Generation Mode.
- Lookup table to select the counting sequence of the counter.
- We will leave these two bits cleared.
- COM01:0 — Compare Match Output Mode.
- Lookup table to determine pin action.
- In order for pin action to occur, PORTB3 must be configured for output.
- With WGMM01:0 cleared, the options are:
COM01 | COM00 | Description |
0 | 0 | Normal port operation, OC0 disconnected |
0 | 1 | Toggle 0C0 on compare match (TCNT0 = OCR0) |
1 | 0 | Clear OC0 on compare match |
1 | 1 | Set OC0 on compare match |
- CS02:0 — Clock Select.
- Lookup table to select the clock source and speed.
- CS02:0 — Clock Select.
CS02 | CS01 | CS00 | Description |
0 | 0 | 0 | No clock source (Timer/Counter stopped) |
0 | 0 | 1 | clk |
0 | 1 | 0 | clk/8 |
0 | 1 | 1 | clk/64 |
1 | 0 | 0 | clk/256 |
1 | 0 | 1 | clk/1024 |
1 | 1 | 0 | External clock source on T0 pin. Clock on falling edge. |
1 | 1 | 1 | External clock source on T0 pin. Clock on rising edge. |
Sample Code
Using Timer/Counter0 to Create a Delay with Polling
- Prescale by 1024, with no pin action: TCCR0 = 0b00000101
- Clear TCNT0
- Clear TOV0
.def temp = r16 ldi temp, 1<<CS02 | 1<<CS00 out TCCR0, temp ldi temp, 0x00 out TCNT0, temp ldi temp, 1<<TOV0 out TIFR, temp
- Notes:
- The first LDI instruction could have been written as LDI temp, 0x05.
- The m32def.inc file has definitions for all of the pin labels.
- The first LDI instruction could have been written as LDI temp, 0x05.
; ... .equ CS00 = 0 .equ CS01 = 1 .equ CS02 = 2 ; ...
- LDI temp, 1«CS02 | 1«CS00 is equivalent to LDI temp, 1«2|1«0
- 1«2 = 0b00000100 and 1«0 = 0b00000001 which, when bit-wise OR'd together, gives us 0b00000101 = 0x05.
- Writing using the bit labels makes our code more expressive (a good thing).
- You may wonder why we didn't use SBI TIFR, TOV0 instead of the last two instructions above.
- It turns out that the bit related instructions (like SBI) will not work on TIFR.
- TIFR is mapped to a memory address that is above the range of addresses for which the bit instructions work.
- The increment frequency for TCNT0 is: 16×106 cycles/sec / 1024 = 15625Hz
- The increment interval is 1/15625 = 64×10-6 sec
- The overflow interval is: 64×10-6 sec/clk x 256 clk = 16.384 ms.
- If we wanted a 10ms delay, we would need 5ms/64×10-6 = 78 clocks. Instead of writing 0x00 into TCNT0, we would give it 177 (=255-78).
; Function that provides a 5ms delay routine delay5ms: .def temp = r16 push temp ldi temp, 0xff-78 out TCNT0, temp ldi temp, 1<<CS02|1<<CS00 out TCCR0, temp ldi temp, 1<<TOV0 out TIFR, temp d5Poll: in temp, TIFR ; Cannot do sbis on TIFR sbrs temp, TOV0 rjmp d5Poll pop temp ret
- We need to read TIFR into a register since SBS doesn't work on TIFR.
- Writing a zero to any bit in the TIFR register leaves the bit unchanged because all of the bits in the register are status flags that require a one written to them in order to clear them.
Using Timer/Counter0 to Create a Timed Event with Interrupts
- Steps:
- Set interrupt vector.
- Initialize stack.
- Configure timer/counter0.
- Enable local Int mask.
- Set I bit in SREG.
.include "m32def.inc" .def temp = r16 .org 0x00 rjmp initStack .org OVF0addr rjmp ovr0ISR .org 0x2a initStack: ; Normal stuff here. start: rcall initTimer0 sei ; Enable global interrupts ; Initialize timer/counter0 to interrupt every 5ms. initTimer0: push temp ldi temp, 0xff-78 ; make overflow occur in 78 clk ticks. out TCNT0, temp ldi temp, 1<<CS02|1<<CS00 out TCCR0, temp in temp, TIFR sbr temp, 1<<TOV0 ; Could have use ori out TIFR, temp in temp, TIMSK ori temp, 1<<TOIE0 ; Enables timer/counter0 interrupt out TIMSK, temp pop temp ret ; ISR for timer/counter0 interrupt ; Schedules next interrupt to happen 5ms from now. ovr0ISR: push temp in temp, SREG push temp ldi temp, 0xff-78 ; make overflow occur in 78 clk ticks. out TCNT0, temp pop temp out SREG, temp pop temp reti